DEFECT. An instance of one or more baselined product components not satisfying their given set of requirements. A product is baselined when it reaches a predefined milestone in its development and is placed under change control. Defects are identified during product construction as the result of the verification portion of the refinement process, or they are identified as a result of failures during product operation, or as the result of unplanned discoveries. A defect is discovered when the defect has been formally brought to the attention of the developers, and the developers acknowledge the defect is valid.
Business Environment. The external system of people, procedures, and machines organized to supply a given set of products and services to its customers and internal users.
Business Problem. An opportunity or legal requirement to reduce costs, increase value, and generally improve some specific subset of the business environment.
Change. An alteration in the business environment or the given business problem.
Product Definition. That particular segment of the generic IS process consisting of:
The initial recognition and subsequent identification of the given business problem.
The initial representation of a proposed product which, when implemented, would provided a solution to the given business problem. This initial representation is in the form of a business requirements document.
Product Construction. That segment of the IS process consisting of:
A specific sequence of representation and validation steps, which successively translate the original representation of the business problem into lower and lower levels of refinement until a set of software, administrative procedures, documentation, and hardware components are realized, i.e. the product.
A disciplined set of management, organizational, technical, and administrative methodologies and tools, which are designed to ensure that the sequence of representation and validation steps are applied in a reliable and predictable manner to produce a product that will represent a solution to the original business problem.
Product Operation. That segment of the IS process consisting of:
Installing the product into a given hardware, operating, procedural, and data environment.
Operating the product so that it properly alters the original business environment and thus represents an implementation of the solution of the given business problem.